IntelliDoor Bollard

Revision as of 19:42, 15 April 2014 by imported>NelsonJenkins

The IntelliDoor Bollard, originally the RamBlocker, is an electromechanical retractable bollard used for vehicle access control, similar to a gate but allows pedestrians through.


  1. Rez the bollard and position it. If you are setting up a series of bollards, only rez one and set it up first. While the bollard is modify, do not link, unlink, resize, or edit the parts or it may not work.
  2. Rez a Button if you want one and position it. It can be retextured and resized if necessary, but we recommend leaving it as it is. You don't need a Button; clicking the bollard itself will operate it as well (but only one at a time).
  3. Open the _config notecard in the bollard and button. For more information on the _config values, read the sections labeled "CONFIG VALUES". For now, change the bollard ID and make sure it is the same in all notecards.
  4. If you are setting up a series of bollards, select the one you have configured, hold Shift, and drag the editing arrow in the direction you want. This will make a copy of the bollard. Repeat until you have enough. The _config notecards will all have the same values as the original one.
  5. Test the bollard by clicking the green "OPEN/RAISE" button (or if you don't have a button, just the bollard or sensor). If you have autoraise enabled, stand directly on top of the bollard and see if it raises (it shouldn't).


The IntelliDoor Bollard has an autoraise feature set up in the _config notecard of each bollard. To enable it, set the AUTORAISE value greater than 0 (we recommend at least 10). A sensor is no longer required; the bollard will automatically perform a raycast to detect if anything is blocking its path.
When your bollard lowers, it will wait the number of seconds in AUTORASE, then automatically raise. However, if there is something blocking the bollard, it will wait until the path becomes unobstructed, then raise.

Bollard Config Values

  • ID: This is the bollard's identifier. Each bollard, or series of bollards operating simultaneously, should have a separate ID. The ID can be any alphanumeric string (A-Z, 0-9, space). All IntelliDoor components are owner-only so don't worry about conflicting IDs from other people.
  • ACCESS: This is the base access setting. If the bollard is locked (which it is by default), these people can always access it anyway by clicking on it. Can be "Everyone", "Group", or "Owner". (If you put "Group" here, the bollard's group will be able to click the bollard or sensor to use it, but they won't be able to use any buttons or controllers unless you also set them to "Group".)
  • AUTORAISE: If you don't want autoraise, leave this as 0. Otherwise, it is the number of seconds the bollard waits until raising automatically. For more info, read "AUTORAISE" above.
  • WARNLIGHT: The color for the flashing LEDs when the bollard is raising. Select from the options in the notecard.
  • NIGHTLIGHT: An automatic area light during nighttime - set to "Yes" to enable, or leave as "No" to disable.
  • COLOR: The color for the bollard. Select from the options in the notecard.
  • BASE: The type of base - light or dark.
  • WHITELIST: The list of people that will always be able to click the bollard or sensor to operate it. This does not affect buttons and controllers. Separate with commas.
  • GSS: If you are using a Global Security Server, enter its name in this field. The IntelliDoor GSS provides a "master" whitelist and blacklist for IntelliDoor components that subscribe to it (for example, if you have a group of bollards that you want a list of people to control).

NOTE ON NAMES: The IntelliDoor system v2.1 and above uses usernames (e.g. "nelson.jenkins" or "newusername") - NOT old-style names ("Nelson Jenkins" or "newusername Resident") and NOT display names ("Nelson the Magnificent" or "New User"). Separate values with commas (nelson.jenkins, newusername, etc.). Entries here are not case-sensitive.

Button Config Values

  • ID: Put the bollard IDs you want to control here. If you are only controlling one bollard or one group of bollards with the same ID, just put that bollard's ID. If you have more than one bollard/group you want to control at the same time, separate their IDs with commas.
  • ACCESS: This is the base access setting for this button only. This is the same as the door's access settings, except it affects the button only. (If you put "Group" here, the button's group will be able to use the button to use the bollard, but not the bollard directly by clicking it or the sensor.)
  • WHITELIST: This is the same as the bollard's whitelist, but again, only affects the button.
  • GSS: This is the same as the bollard's GSS name, but only affects the button.

Resetting Bollards

You can reset a bollard by editing it and going to Tools -> Reset Scripts in Selection. MAKE SURE the bollard is raised before resetting it.


As of v3.0, the IntelliDoor has an API for controlling individual doors and components. All API communication is done on channel -494827459.

For the following, [BBID] specifies the Buildbox ID. By default, this should be NONE. However, if your doors were rezzed as part of a building through a Buildbox, it will have been set. You can get the Buildbox ID by selecting a door and checking its description - it should read BBID followed by the ID, which is usually formatted as a 36-character UUID. You can also set up your API-enabled item in the building such that it accepts and stores the Buildbox ID when it is rezzed. Note that Buildbox IDs do not change once the object is rezzed.

The IntelliDoor Bollard accepts the following API commands:

  • [BBID][DoorID]&&open - Lowers (opens) the bollard.
  • [BBID][DoorID]&&close - Raises (closes) the bollard.

The IntelliDoor Bollard does not accept the &&lock and &&unlock commands.

Updates & Release Notes

You can update your IntelliDoor Bollard by rezzing the Update Box.

  • v3.0
    • Implemented Buildbox integration
    • Bollards now automatically reset when GSS is reset
    • Usernames in whitelist are no longer case-sensitive
    • Blacklist removed
    • Communications now streamlined onto single channel for less lag
    • API added
    • Bollard model entirely remade in mesh
    • Bollard now has alarm and flashing lights to warn surrounding pedestrians/vehicles
    • Bollard color and base texture can now be changed
    • Bollard movement redesigned and rescripted
    • Bollard has optional nightlight mode
    • Bollard Sensor removed and replaced with an automatic raycast
  • v2.1.2
    • Rewrote Keypad integration, which broke if bollard was configured in a certain way
  • v2.1
    • Changed access lists from old-style names to account names.
    • Lowered script count from 2 to 1.
    • Slight tweaks.
  • v2.0
    • Replaced and rewrote everything. Integrated into IntelliDoor series.
  • v1.1
    • Fixed group-only bug.
  • v1.0
    • Primary public release.

Builder Kit Instructions

Your use of transfer-enabled products is bound by our Full Permissions Agreement. If you haven't read it, it's important you do so.
Most importantly, we keep track of who has purchased the Builder Kit. If someone has a transferable IntelliDoor but has not bought the Builder Kit, that door will not function, and their use of it will be recorded. If you are found to be giving out transferable IntelliDoors, you will be backtraced by the cyber police, and consequences will never be the same.

Therefore, make sure you set the door object to NO TRANSFER and the script inside it to NO TRANSFER before distributing it. However, leave the notecard FULL PERMISSIONS or it will break the script. Otherwise, you are risking both your license to use our products and your reputation with your customers, who will be left with prefabs that have their doors break when rezzed.
Please note in your product description that the bollards will conflict if multiple copies of the same prefab are rezzed in the same region, unless you package them in a Buildbox. Otherwise, if more than one are rezzed, they will have to be manually reconfigured.